“To have another language is to possess a second soul”, says Charlemagne – former king of the Franks. Is this statement true? Does possessing two different languages indeed mean separate versions of a single person? Can learning a new language change the way you think? The answer is yes to all these questions (at least […]

Humanity has traversed quite a few eras and ages to reach where it is today. From the stone-age to the bronze-age, across a few dark-ages we reached the agricultural era. From there we progressed even further and were ushered into the industrial era through the industrial revolution. We are no longer living in the industrial […]

Today, artificial intelligence is all the hype and everybody, everywhere is discussing it. While the industry is still emerging, it is already in use in many industries and impacting our daily lives. Many myths surround artificial intelligence and the technology is heavily romanticized in pop culture. AI (artificial intelligence) is an industry that is developing […]